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MJ Wagenson to Receive Girls & Women in Sport Award

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ROCHESTER, Minn. – Mary Jane Wagenson of Rochester Community and Technical College (RCTC) is being honored by National Girls & Women in Sport – Minnesota.


The organization says Wagenson will be one of 12 to receive the Marie Berg Education award for 2025.


Click here to read the article

Mary Jane Wagenson.  Photo courtesy of RCTC.

2024 New Full Membership Officials


To become full members of RAOA, new officials must pass the New Officials Program for their sport as defined in current RAOA Bylaws


Pictured are Carl Ekern (Basketball), Kent Bruinsma (Volleyball), Bill Duncan (Football), Kyle Schoneck (Football), Kyle Dessner (Basketball), and Joey Mueller (Basketball)

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NASO group membership is available for RAOA members.  MSHSL insurance is provided in your dues paid to MSHSL.  NASO is more than the additional insurance coverage.  A link to NASO’s website is provided for you to learn more. 


If you do have an interest, the group rate is $91 for the year and can be paid via the Pay My Dues link



NASO website


BENEFITS of Membership:


  • Liability insurance up to $6,000,000

  • Covers ALL sports for a full 12 months - not just when you're working MSHSL play but also summer games



  • Marriott Hotel Discounts

  • 10% off at

  • Auto Rentals from Avis

  • 20 percent discounts on publications from NASO and Referee


Other Benefits:

  • FREE Referee Magazine (full year) as part of your membership

  • The full amount of this fee is tax deductible (see tax advisor)



Click the flyer to the left for more information

About RAOA


Board Members

Rochester Area Officials Association (RAOA) trains, mentors, and assigns high school officials in the sports of Baseball, Basketball, Football, Softball and Volleyball.


With over 250 members, RAOA was established in Rochester, MN in 1950 and is a member of the Minnesota State High School League. RAOA provides officials to high schools through out Southern Minnesota.


Over our proud history, RAOA has had many members assigned to Minnesota State Championship games as well as those who moved up to officiate in the NCAA.

The Mission of the Rochester Area Official Association (RAOA) is to assist members in becoming better athletic officials.


RAOA will accomplish this goal through clarification and interpretation of rules and promoting efficient and standard officiating techniques in football, basketball, baseball, softball and Volleyball. Each member will be involved in the following :

  • Rules Knowledge

  • Instructional Meetings

  • Professionalism

  • Promoting Sportsmanship

President - Eric Okstad

Past President - Eric Rain

Secretary/Treasurer - Jared Butson


VP Football - Joel Traver

VP Volleyball - Darci Meyer

VP Basketball - Jesse Kralewski

VP Baseball - Chris Zollner

VP Softball - MJ Wagenson

Business Info


Rochester Area Officials Association
ATTN: Jared Butson
221 Devin Drive
St. Charles, MN 55972


Phone: 507-250-1446

Contact the RAOA Webmaster with questions regarding this page.


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