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RAOA Mentorship Program

The mentorship program is available to first and second year officials and also to any RAOA member official that desires a mentor. Interested officials who would like to be a mentor should contact their sport’s respective Vice President.


The following items define the program in more detail:


  • 1:1 ratio of mentor to mentee when possible.

  • The mentor will be required to contact the official two to three times during the respective season, via email, phone, or in person, to facilitate discussions and promote a positive relationship between the mentor and mentee. (A suggested sequence may be; pre-season, during the season, and post-season.)

  • It is expected that the mentee will also initiate contact with the mentor. The ultimate goal is for the mentee to grow, mature and evolve into a confident, self-sufficient official who can handle the myriad of situations they’ll face in their career.

  • The goal of the mentorship program is that the communication will be a shared responsibility between both mentor and mentee in order for the program to reach its fullest potential.


Ideas for mentor/mentee activities included, but are not limited to:


  • Mentor is a direct resource for mentee.

  • Overviews websites–MSHSL/Arbiter/RAOA

  • Casebook and scenario reviews.

  • Mentor shadows mentee.

  • Mentee observes mentor work a game(s).

  • Work a game(s) together in-season and/or out of season.

  • Mentor/mentee communicates as they see fit either via email or phone throughout season.

  • Assist mentee in attaining proper equipment.

  • Mechanics and positioning overviews.

  • Mentee shadows mentor.

  • Mentor observes mentee work a game(s)

  • Mentor and mentee observe a game(s) together.

  • Mentor breaks down video of a mentee worked game and/or a mentor worked game.


If you are interested in being a mentor, please contact your sports Vice President which can be found at the bottom of this page.

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